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Green Supply Chain Management


What is Green Supply Chain Management?

Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) integrates environmentally responsible practices into traditional supply chains, encompassing all phases from manufacturing and operations to end-of-life management. This approach embodies the 4R1D principle — reduce, reuse, recycle, reclaim, and degradable — emphasizing a commitment to ecological sustainability.

The goal of supply chain sustainability is to minimize the impact of environmental factors such as pollutants, deforestation, ozone depletion, and global warming. Implementing solutions involves various strategies, such as optimizing packaging with right-sized boxes, avoiding oversized packaging for smaller shipments, and transitioning to recyclable paper pads as alternatives to plastic packaging.

Manufacturing industries actively engage suppliers with established green practices, making environmental consciousness a crucial factor in supplier selection. This strategic approach ensures that the entire supply chain is aligned with sustainable principles, fostering eco-friendly practices across diverse operational domains.

Learn more about Ivalua’s sustainable procurement & ESG solutions.